While the sample determination steps were chosen randomly. Using Slovin formula, there were 58 teachers. The purpose of this study is to find out (1) The correlation between school principals' perceptions and teacher performance, (2) Work motivation and teacher performance, and (3) Correlation between Principal management perception and work motivation simultaneously with performance of Junior High School teacher.

Increased effectiveness of learning is influenced by the factors of supervision of the principal's classroom and teacher's motivation to teach. Teacher performance is something that is achieved through the performance shown as well as the ability of a teacher's work in carrying out his teaching work. Self regulation Sumber Belajar Kontekstual, keanekaragaman hayati, Hutan Stadion Tejosari kompetensi guru sains, asesmen otentik tupoksi perspective, work commitment, employee service performance Raise environmental awareness, Anak Cinta Lingkungan, early childhood Role of School Principal, Organizational Climate, Teacher Work Productivity.
#Pdf dasar dasar evaluasi pendidikan suharsimi arikunto revisi 2 android#
Keywords Clinical Supervision, Work Motivation, Productivity Competence, Pedagogic, Professional, achievement Development, Scientific Approach, Understanding Text Extracurricular Activities, Learning Motivation, Spiritual Fable Bilingual Story Book, Character Education, Social Awareness Group Guidance Group Guidance Service Guidance and Counseling, Speaking Ability Students In Public Area Media, Edmodo Aplication, Learning Result Mind Mapping Mindmaple Lite Mobile Learinng, Android Principal Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Teacher Performance Principal Management, Work Motivation, Teacher Performance Professional Competence, Teacher Working Group, Teacher Performance.